About Us

Sarvodaya was founded by Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne in 1958, when he conducted the first shramadana (“Sharing of one’s Time, Thoughts, Labor and Energy”) work camp, which eventually lead to the establishment of the largest non-governmental organization in the country. Today, the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement is Sri Lanka’s most broadly entrenched community-based development organization network, that works with 26 district centres, 325 divisional centres and over 3,000 legally independent village societies in districts across the country.


Sarvodaya’s philosophy is based on the teachings of Lord Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi and we are aimed at the revolutionary rebuilding of society and as such there is no question of Sarvodaya striving to maintain the status quo in society. Our objective is the liberation of the Common man while completely awakening of every single individual in the society in body, mind, intellect and in spirit to his maximum potentiality.


Self-education is a basic principal in Sarvodaya’s philosophy, and the full awakening of man starts with his education of himself. The harmonious relationship between man and his ecology is always accentuates by Sarvodaya. Through Sarvodaya we are made conscious of this process and encouraged to play our part in it by not only seeking to awakening individuals, and also awakening the family, the village, the town and finally the nations that hordes this globe of ours.


Please welcome to https://www.sarvodaya.org/ if you are curious to know us better..